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Action Items 

  • Send final transcripts to the Registrar's Office once your fall semester grades are recorded. Email transcripts to or by mail to 
    • Drake University
      Attn: Registrar's Office 
      2507 University Ave
      Des Moines, IA 50311
  • Send AP, IB, or CLEP credits to Drake's Office of the Registrar
  • Review transfer credit information 
  • Start checking your Drake email
  • Update Emergency Contact information by logging into and selecting My Information in the My Drake Profile section
  • Undergraduate students no longer need to order required textbooks and course materials as they are automatically provided! The Course Ready program supports classroom success, eliminates the shopping process, saves time and money while lowering stress. The program cost is added students’ account or students can opt-out each semester. Please see this site for more information.
  • Submit your Medical History form
  • Learn about the rest of the student tech information you’ll need by going to There you’ll find information including how to connect to the campus wireless network, computer recommendations and discounts, campus printing details, and how to get your game system connected (including requesting a wired connection in your residence hall, if needed).
  • Upload your (future) Drake ID photo: You can either get a photo taken at your orientation, or you can upload your own picture to use on your Drake ID. To use your own photo, you must upload your preferred ID picture online.  Once your photo has been approved, you’ll be able to add a Mobile Drake ID to your phone and/or smartwatch to use as your campus identification as a Drake student.
  • Undergraduate students no longer need to order required textbooks and course materials as they are automatically provided! The Course Ready program supports classroom success, eliminates the shopping process, saves time and money while lowering stress. The program cost is added students’ account or students can opt-out each semester. Please see this site for more information.

Optional Tasks

  • Purchase parking pass
  • Deposit funds in your Bulldog Bucks account
  • For students who need accommodations: Complete the intake form to start the process for requesting accommodations through Student Disability Services.
  • For students who are interested in working on campus: Login to Handshake, Drake’s electronic job board and look for on-campus job opportunities.
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